Sideways Plus #1: +Prologue+

This is the first of my "Plus" posts I'll be sharing over the next few months. Each weekly post will feature a brief excerpt from each chapter of my just-published natural history-memoir, A Sideways Look at Clouds...PLUS...illustrations and links to resources to enhance your reading. 

Why am I doing this? Because my book is not a field guide nor does it have a set glossy photographs of the clouds and places I discuss in my book. And because I have so very many photographs of the the clouds to show you to make you love the clouds even more.

Here is the first Plus post. Hope you enjoy this as an accompaniment (and not a Spark-Notes-like substitute for my book). 

Prologue: A Guide to the Sky

"I did not expect to be swept off my feet by clouds, although I should have seen it coming a few years earlier, on the day I began house hunting in the Pacific Northwest. My family and I had been living in sunny, often scorching Southern California for five years...One glorious September afternoon I flew into Seattle, rented a car, and headed south on Interstate 5 toward Olympia. Rounding a curve, I noticed a massive pile-up of white clouds billowing up from the horizon. I squeezed the steering wheel, leaned into the windshield for a bigger view, and said out loud and loudly, "I've missed you guys!"

from Page 11: "How could I turn my back on these clouds and the invitation to look up?" This is the poster that inspired me to write my book. Want your own Guide to the Sky? Click here to order this brand new edition of the poster from the photographer/author Art Rangno.

"Mackerel Skies" (Altocumulus perlucidus)

"Mackerel Skies" (Altocumulus perlucidus)

"Mare's Tails" (Cirrus uncinus)

"Mare's Tails" (Cirrus uncinus)

"Thunderhead" (Cumulonimbus)

"Thunderhead" (Cumulonimbus)

A Sideways Look at Clouds

What a great day in Cloudville! As I pulled into my driveway this morning after grocery shopping, I noticed a suspicious looking package on my front doorstep. Suspicious because it was about the size of a book. I leapt out of my car and toward the package. Yes! An early copy of my new book, A Sideways Look at Clouds. 

A Sideways Look at Clouds will be on in stores in mid- September.

You can pre-order copies now at Mountaineers Books, Powell's BooksIndieBoundAmazon Smile (0.5% goes to a charity of your choice), Barnes and Noble, Amazon